EC-12RM Mobile ECG

Mobile ECG with Mobile software

The EC-12RM 12 CH Mobile ECG with Mobile software (Android) is a compact ECG device, which can forward real-time, 12 channel ECG signals to any Android device (e.g.: tablet or smartphone) via Bluetooth connection. This way the device can make excellent quality ECG records in a mobile and fast method.

The EC-12RM 12 CH Mobile ECG with Mobile software (Android) is a compact ECG device, which can forward real-time, 12 channel ECG signals to any Android device (e.g.: tablet or smartphone) via Bluetooth connection. This way the device can make excellent quality ECG records in a mobile and fast method. We can measure certain sections of the ECG and customize the on-screen display of the ECG to suit our own needs. There are several methods to forward each record: jpeg and MFER formats can be both accepted by a certain connected server.

The system consists of: 1 pc EC-12RM Mobile ECG + Cardiospy application (from Google Play) + accessories*

*The manufacturer reserves the right to change the list of accessories at any time.

Basic accessories

PictureAccessoryItem number
Recorder bag (EC-12R, EC-12RM, EC-12RS, EC-12S)Recorder bag (EC-12R, EC-12RM, EC-12RS, EC-12S)BAG-012RS-02
Waist belt (160 x 3,7 cm)Waist belt (160 x 3,7 cm)BEL-00000-01
Battery charger MAXI Power SetBattery charger MAXI Power SetCHA-0004X-03
12 CH standard patient cable (HDMI-Snap connector)12 CH standard patient cable (HDMI-Snap connector)CAB-00L12-05
Single-use ECG electrodesSingle-use ECG electrodesELE-00000-01
Case for holding the systems – NewCase for holding the systems – NewCAS-00000-03
User manual for Cardiospy Mobile softwareUser manual for Cardiospy Mobile softwareUSR-00000-05
Parameters: EC-12RM
Leads: I, II, II, aVR, aVL, aVF, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, NEHB
PC connection: Bluetooth
Patient protection: EN 60601 (IEC-601-1), CF type
Power supply / Ca be exchanged during recording! /: 2 x 1,2 V rechargeable batteries
(or 2 x 1.5 V AA alkaline battery)
Dynamic interval: ±20 mV
DC offszet range: ±1000 mV
Frequency response: 0.05 Hz … 150Hz
Sampling rate: 1000 Hz
A/D resolution: 16 bit
Input impedance: ≥100 MΩ
Size: 125 x 70 x 33 mm
Weight: ~ 110 g

Software specification - Android-based operation system

  • Simple, user friendly software with multiple functions
  • Precise QRS classification
  • Built-in expert system,
  • Baseline; Main; Smoothing filter
  • Real-time ECG display
  • 1X3; 2X3; 1X6; 2X6 Leads view
  • Sending reports in e-mail
  • Forwarding the record to certain server
  • Recod viewer
  • Patients database
  • Continuous updating and developments
  • Bluetooth communication

Selectable accessories

Basic accessories
If you need additional basic accessories, select them!
PictureBasic accessoryItem number
Recorder bag (EC-12R, EC-12RM, EC-12RS, EC-12S)Recorder bag (EC-12R, EC-12RM, EC-12RS, EC-12S)BAG-012RS-02
Waist belt (160 x 3,7 cm)Waist belt (160 x 3,7 cm)BEL-00000-01
Battery charger MAXI Power SetBattery charger MAXI Power SetCHA-0004X-03
12 CH standard patient cable (HDMI-Snap connector)12 CH standard patient cable (HDMI-Snap connector)CAB-00L12-05
Single-use ECG electrodesSingle-use ECG electrodesELE-00000-01
Case for holding the systems – NewCase for holding the systems – NewCAS-00000-03
User manual for Cardiospy Mobile softwareUser manual for Cardiospy Mobile softwareUSR-00000-05

Selectable accessories
Select which accessories you need!
PictureAccessoryItem number
USB Card installation softwareUSB Card installation softwareACC-0SWCD-02
USB-02/A interfaceUSB-02/A interfaceDEV-0USBA-02
Extension cable for USB-02Extension cable for USB-02CAB-00USB-01
Installation and Update GuideInstallation and Update GuideUSR-00000-01
12 CH standard patient cable12 CH standard patient cableCAB-00L12-06
Adult chest electrodesAdult chest electrodesELE-CHEST-01
Adult clamp electrodesAdult clamp electrodesELE-CLAMP-01